The Solution to Isolation

This Bible study fast-forwards to the second destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem shows us how the Hebrews experienced collective suffering and isolation, but God had something better in mind for them.

Discussion Guide:

Ice Breaker: Go around your circle and share your highs and lows (the best part of your week and the lowest part of your week).

Q1: Why do people tend to isolate themselves when they are struggling? Why is that unhealthy?

Q2: What are some ways that friends help protect us? What has that looked like in your life?

Q3: “Friendship is God’s answer for hardship.” What does this mean to you? How have you seen this play out in your life or the lives of others?

Q4: What should you do when you notice a friend is starting to isolate themselves?

Q5: What should you look for in the friends, leaders, or communities that you seek out for support? What would make them God-honoring friends to support you through challenging times?

Application: Think of one friend or community that would be a godly support system for you. How can you intentionally connect with them this week?