The Solution to Suffering

This Bible study on Lamentations discovers what Jeremiah clung to for hope during the devastation of Jerusalem's destruction: God's character.

Discussion Guide:

Ice Breaker: Go around your circle and share your highs and lows (the best part of your week and the lowest part of your week).

Q1: When life gets hard, what do your peers tend to cling to? Is that healthy or unhealthy?

Q2: Why is it important to remind ourselves of the character of God when we are suffering?

Q3: Look at these three character traits of God — loving, merciful, and faithful. Which of these is most helpful to you during difficult times?

Q4: How can we help each other remember this message when life gets hard?

Application: What’s one truth that you learned from today’s message that you want to remember and focus on next time you are struggling?