The Struggle

This Bible study on Lamentations introduces Jeremiah, "The Weeping Prophet," and his complex book of the Bible that is all about mourning in the face of suffering. 

Discussion Guide:

Ice Breaker: Go around your circle and share your highs and lows (the best part of your week and the lowest part of your week).

Q1: Does it surprise you that the Bible includes such a dark and depressing narrative like the beginning of Jeremiah’s story? Why do you think that is?

Q2: Look at these three steps for processing pain: Admit the pain; Bring it to God; Consider the good. Which of these steps is the most challenging for you? Why?

Q3: When we are encouraged to “consider the good,” that means we want to look for positive outcomes in negative circumstances. Explain a time you saw something good come out of a bad situation.

Q4: What advice do you think Jeremiah would give to someone who is struggling through a difficult season?

Application: What are some practical ways we can connect with God when we are struggling?