This message on Mark 1:35 explores the spiritual discipline of retreat.
Discussion Guide:
Ice Breaker: What is one thing that stood out to you from this message?
Q1: What normally comes to mind when you think of "retreat?" Why is that?
Q2: "Retreat is when you withdraw from expectations to draw near an experience with God." How does this reframe the way you think about retreat?
Q3: Why do you think the practice of retreat and solitude is so challenging for pastors and leaders? Furthermore, why do you think it's so important?
Q4: What should you be mindful of when looking for the location of your personal retreat?
Q5: We shared four tips to help make retreat more meaningful. Which of those stuck out to you? Why was that?
Next Step: Take yourself on a personal retreat this coming month. Be sure to pray, plan next to nothing, practice the presence, and prioritize a pen & paper for reflection.