Divisions in the Church
This Bible study on 1 Corinthians 1-4 exposes the issue of division within the church of Corinth and explains Paul's solution for finding unity in Christ.
NOTE: This Bible study addresses some spiritually mature topics that Paul discusses with the church of Corinth. Please watch each message in its entirety prior to sharing it with a youth audience to determine if your circle is spiritually prepared for the lesson.
Discussion Guide:
Ice Breaker: Introduce yourself and share this week's highs and lows (the best part of your week and the lowest part of your week).
Q1: From I Corinthians we see that divisions have been a problem in the church from the beginning. Today is no different as every major Christian denomination has a multitude of divisions. What are some ways we can promote Christian unity rather than division?
Q2: The Bible has a multitude of warnings concerning pride. How does pride play a part in divisions?
Q3: Do we have the authority to insert human philosophy or man-made doctrine into God’s church?
Q4: How are problems solved in the church by understanding our job as laborers and God as the owner?
Q5: God wants to give us all spiritual blessings. What are some ways we cut God’s blessings short by trying to do things our way, the human way?
Application: What's one example of division in your life? How can you put God first in that situation and allow God to bring reconciliation?