Misunderstanding the Gospel

Angela Everett

This Bible study on 1 Corinthians 5-7 introduces the issue of misunderstanding the gospel and explains how we should live after accepting salvation from Jesus.

NOTE: This Bible study addresses some spiritually mature topics that Paul discusses with the church of Corinth. Please watch each message in its entirety prior to sharing it with a youth audience to determine if your circle is spiritually prepared for the lesson.

Discussion Guide:

Ice Breaker: Introduce yourself and share your highs and lows (the best part of your week and the lowest part of your week).

Q1: What's one thing that stood out to you from this message?

Q2: What did the Corinthians misunderstand about the Gospel? How was that evident in the way they were living as Christians?

Q3: How should our actions and relationships change when we fully understand that God bought us for a price and we are saved by Jesus?

Q4: The ancient Corinthians had spiritual issues and sins, yet Paul never considered them too far gone for God to save. What does this teach us about God's grace?

Q5: How does God bless our relationships when we begin living righteously after salvation?

Application: What does it mean to be saved by Jesus? What's one thing you can change, do, or say this week to reflect your understanding of the Gospel and glorify God?