
Jan 18, 2022    Pastor Jackson Garrell

This Bible study on James explores how we can develop our integrity by fighting temptation.

Discussion Guide:

Ice Breaker: Introduce yourself and share the highs and lows from your week.

Q1: What's one thing that stood out to you from this message?

Q2: Why is integrity honoring to God?

Q3: What are some good habits that contribute to the development of integrity?

Q4: What are some common habits that may be harmful to integrity? What are potential triggers leading to those habits?

Q5: Once those habits are acknowledged, what can be done to stop the chain reaction?

Q6: When you find yourself struggling with temptation, who can you go to for help?

Application: What’s one temptation that you’d like to acknowledge right now and begin asking God and a trusted friend to help you fight this week? You don’t need to share with the group, but you should share it with God and one trusted friend.

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