Taming Your Tongue

Jan 25, 2022    Pastor Jackson Garrell

This Bible study on James explores how we can develop our integrity by controlling our words.

Discussion Guide:

Ice Breaker: Introduce yourself and share this week's highs and lows (the best part of your week and the lowest part of your week).

Q1: Think of someone you know who has great integrity. How do they usually speak?

Q2: Why do you think James talks about our words in such a powerful way?

Q3: Have you ever said something to somebody that you regret? If you had slowed down to listen and respond out of kindness instead of anger, how might that conversation have gone differently?

Q4: What do you need to work on the most in your own life: being quick to listen, being slow to speak, or being slow to get angry?

Application: What's one intentional way you'd like to use your words this week? Think specifically about relationships that may be in need of helpful conversations.

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