Ruth's Love Story

Angela Everett

This Bible study shares the story of Ruth to teach us valuable lessons about hope and redemption.

Discussion Guide:

Ice Breaker: Introduce yourself and share this week's highs and lows (the best part of your week and the lowest part of your week.)

Q1: What stuck out to you the most from today’s message?

Q2: Have you ever experienced a dark time in life when you feel like hope saved you? If so, how did hope help get you through that difficult time?

Q3: What are some practical ways that you try to exemplify good character? Do you have certain habits, boundaries, mentors, etc that you use in your life to help shape your character?

Q4: What exactly does a "Redeemer” do? Do you feel like you need redeeming? Have you accepted Jesus’s offer of redemption?

Application: What is one thing you learned through the study of Ruth that you can incorporate into your life this week?