
Aug 1, 2022    Pastor Matt Lundy

Let's study one of the most well-known leadership failures in scripture -- the story of David & Bathsheba -- to learn the value of accountability and godly mentorship.

Discussion Guide:

Ice breaker: Introduce yourself and share your highs and lows from the week (the best part of your week and the lowest part of your week).

Q1: What sticks out to you about the story of David, Bathsheba, and Nathan?

Q2: Do you have a mentor in your life already| Do they have permission to speak openly and honestly with you?

Q3: What may prevent ministry leaders from actively connecting with a mentor?

Q4: What's one aspect of your personal life or church life that requires accountability?

Q5: Think of someone who is currently doing really well in that area of life. What do you admire about them?

Application: Ask God to show you someone in your life who could mentor you and hold you accountable. Ask them to coffee to begin pursuing a mentor|/mentee relationship.