Serve, Inspire & Build Others Up

Jesus calls each and every one of us to be a leader. Let's examine the story of Jesus washing the feet of His disciples to learn how good leaders practice servant Leadership, inspire their followers, and build their followers into leaders.

Discussion Guide:

Q1: Think of a great leader in history or a great leader who you know personally. Of the five leadership principles that we covered, which principles are evident in their leadership style?

Q2: Have you ever worked for a bad boss? Which good leadership principles were they lacking and how did that affect your willingness to follow them?

Q3: Of the 3 leadership principles covered today, which one is your strength? How do you exemplify that leadership principle?

Q4: Of the 3 leadership principles covered today, which one is your weakness? How can you work on strengthening your weak area?

Q5: Since everyone is a leader to someone, identify situations in your life that you are actively leading others.

Application: How can you proactively strengthen your leadership skills in situations in your life where you are leading others?

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