
This Bible study on Job attempts to examine God’s character against the dark backdrop of our suffering.

Discussion Guide:

Ice Breaker: Go around your circle and share this week’s highs and lows. What was the best part of your week, and what was the lowest part of your week? 

Q1: What stuck out to you from this message? 

Q2: How can a good community help make suffering more bearable? 

Q3: “Suffering allows us to better see God’s blessings.” What does this quote mean to you? How can this give you hope when facing hardships? 

Q4: Explain a time you’ve seen something good come from a bad circumstance. 

Application: Do you know anyone going through a tough season? Be there for them, support them, and rally around them. Pray for God to give you guidance to serve them and bless them. 

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