Father's Day

This Bible study for Father’s Day will help you examine and embrace the characteristics of the heavenly father while parenting here on Earth.

Discussion Guide:

Ice Breaker: Go around your circle and share this week’s highs and lows. What was the best part of your week and the lowest part of your week?

Q1: What stuck out to you the most from today’s message?

Q2: What, in your mind, makes a good dad? If you’re comfortable sharing, how have you seen these play out with your own father or father figure?

Q3: What is the primary role of a godly dad, in your opinion?

Q4: A godly dad shows Devotion, Affection, and Discipleship. Which of these do you feel is the hardest for dads to do? How can you help the father figures in your life live out this role?

Q5: Why is it important to show affection before trying to begin training and discipleship?

Application: If you are a dad, how can you be more like our Heavenly Father? If you love a dad or father figure, how can you show him appreciation?