Called to Lead

Feb 28, 2023    Jennie Smith

This Bible study on the life of Queen Esther teaches us how to lead when situations are uncertain.

Discussion Guide:

Ice Breaker: Go around your circle and share this week’s highs and lows. What was the best part of your week, and what was the lowest part of your week?

Q1: What stuck out to you from today’s message?

Q2: Who is someone you really look up to as a leader? What qualities make them a good leader?

Q3: Esther stood up to the king and spoke a difficult truth to someone in power. Have you ever had to speak a difficult truth? What did that feel like? What did you learn from it? 

Q4: Could you improve your leadership more by focusing on being the light, being the salt, or feeding the sheep? What are some practical ways you can do each? 

Q5: Have you ever had a time in your life when you could not feel the presence of God, but later saw evidence of God’s hand all over it?

Application: What's one way you can apply this message to your life this week?

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