2 John
This Bible study on 2 John explores the theological concept of truth and love being inseparable from one another.
Discussion Guide:
Ice Breaker: Go around your circle and share this week’s highs and lows. What was the best part of your week and the lowest part of your week?
Q1: What’s one thing that stood out from today’s message?
Q2: Why do you think John taught us that love and truth are intertwined?
Q3: What is an example of speaking truth without love?
Q4: What is an example of showing love without truth?
Q5: Let’s say you have a dear friend who is struggling with a sin issue. What does it sound like to speak the truth in love?
Application: Speak the truth in love to someone this week, whether it’s sharing the gospel, speaking up about a perceived problem, or opening up about your struggles.