Judas Still Ate

May 18, 2021    Pastor Jackson Garrell

This Bible study will explore the radical love of Jesus by looking at the story of Judas' betrayal.

Discussion Guide:

Ice Breaker: Introduce yourself and share this week's highs and lows (the best part of your week and the lowest part of your week).

Q1: What's one thing that stuck out to you from tonight's message?

Q2: How did Jesus treat Judas during his ultimate betrayal? What does this reveal about God's love for us?

Q3: How does the story of Jesus' relationship with Judas challenge our tendency to run away from God when we feel unworthy?

Q4: How do most people treat those who have wronged them?

Q5: Has guilt or regret ever caused you to distance yourself from God? Why did you do that?

Q6: Has anyone ever been good to you even after you wronged them? How did that make you feel?

Q7: What advice can we offer our circle when it comes to loving people who have wronged us?

Application: Who do you need to love with more forgiveness this week? What can you do to show them the same kind of grace that God has shown you?

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