You Are God's Masterpiece

Jan 31, 2023    Pastor Jackson Garrell

This Bible study shows us how God gives us a renewed sense of purpose.

Discussion Guide:

Ice Breaker: Go around your circle and share this week’s highs and lows. What was the best part of your week and what was the lowest part of your week?

Q1: What stuck out to you from today’s message?

Q2: What specifically makes the original Mona Lisa so valuable? How does that apply to your identity?

Q3: How does knowing that God intentionally made you the way you are change the way you see yourself?

Q4: What is one trait that God has given you that you like about yourself?

Q5: How can we stop tearing ourselves down over the things we don't like about ourselves?

Q6: What purpose do you think God has for your life right now? Remember, God created you for good works that demonstrate His love to others.

Application: What can you do this week to replace self-critical thoughts with the truth about who God made you to be?

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