Paul Meets Jesus

This Bible study explores Paul's life-changing interaction with Jesus to teach us about the power of personal relationships in the Church.

Discussion Guide:

Ice Breaker: Go around your circle and share this week’s highs and lows. What was the best part of your week and the lowest part of your week?

Q1: What’s one thing that stood out to you from today’s message?

Q2: Why do you think Luke talks about so many different people in his book about the Church? What does this mean for us today? 

Q3: Have you ever met someone who impacted your faith? What were they like?

Q4: How has Jesus impacted your life? What is your relationship like with Him?

Q5: How can you learn more about Jesus in your daily life? Are there specific practices or resources you find helpful in your spiritual education?

Application: How can you share the gospel in a personal way?