Ezekiel's Skeleton Army
This Bible study on Ezekiel 37:1-10 studies a strange vision that Ezekiel receives from God to illustrate His ability to revive even the most hopeless situations.
Discussion Guide:
Ice Breaker: Go around your circle and share this week’s highs and lows. What was the best part of your week and the lowest part of your week?
Q1: What stuck out from the message?
Q2: Why do you think Israel found hope in such a strange passage?
Q3: What did this vision mean for Israel?
Q4: What can this vision mean for us today?
Q5: If you’re comfortable sharing, what parts of your life feel like a valley of dry bones? How can you invite God to breathe life into those situations?
Application: Pray for God to breathe life into the difficult and dark circumstances around you. Pray for your community as well because darkness is all around us.