How to be Free

This Bible study on Romans explores Paul's explanation of what it means to find freedom in Christ.

Discussion Guide:

Ice Breaker: Go around your circle and share this week’s highs and lows. What was the best part of your week and the lowest part of your week?

Q1: What’s one thing that stood out to you from today’s message? 

Q2: Can you tell a story about a time you thought something would give you more freedom but it actually led to more responsibility? 

Q3: Reflecting on the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, can you relate to the instinct to hide or freeze when facing the consequences of your actions?

Q4: How does God’s response to Adam and Eve’s sin provide insight into His character?

Q5: In Romans 5:12-17, the comparison between Adam and Jesus is highlighted, with Adam representing sin and death and Jesus representing life. How does this understanding impact your view of sin and salvation?

Q6: What words come to mind when you think of forgiveness? What does it have to do with freedom? 

Application: Reflect on moving from being “frozen” in shame to experiencing the freedom that Christ offers. How can you apply this understanding to your life and encourage others to do the same?