The Causes of Conflict

Jul 12, 2022    Pastor Jackson Garrell

This Bible study on Song of Solomon teaches us how to overcome conflict in relationships in healthy ways.

Discussion Guide:

Icebreaker: Introduce yourself and share your highs and lows from the week (the best part of your week and the lowest part of your week).

Q1: What stuck out to you from today's message?

Q2: How should conflict be resolved in a healthy relationship?

Q3: How is conflict handled in unhealthy or unhelpful ways? What are the signs of an unhealthy relationship?

Q4: What does good communication look like in a healthy relationship?

Q5: What does poor communication look like?

Q6: How do you know when it’s time to end an unhealthy relationship?

Application: Take a look at the last conflict you had with a friend or partner and evaluate what you could have done differently to improve the outcome.

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